“Today we are courageously joined by Katy Dieckhaus, who lost her daughter Evelyn in the Covenant School Shooting in Nashville in 2023, and Annette Lake, who lost both her father Kenny and son Terrance to suicide by firearm less than a year apart in the early 2000s. They’re sharing their stories with you. We are also joined by Erin Rogus, who is walking with people like Katy and Annette to fight for change. Erin is the policy director for Voices For A Safer Tennessee, which is a nonprofit, nonpartisan statewide coalition dedicated to prioritizing firearm safety and advocating for common sense gun laws to make communities across Tennessee safer for all of us. Listening to stories like Katy’s and Annette’s is how we practice walking with people and not standing on issues. These women’s stories will change you— maybe not your opinion, and that’s okay—but they will change your heart if you let them.”
Listen on The Carlos Whittaker Podcast.