Ways to Take Action
- Join Safer TN and ask your friends to as well!
- Talk to your family and friends. Download our 📂 full talking points and FAQs to help with the conversation.
- Contact Your Legislators – it matters! Sending a mailed letter, calling or emailing your local district’s representative and senator is most important, but you can also reach out to House and Senate leadership. See our guide here to finding your legislators, or use the “5 Calls” website or app for finding your reps: https://5calls.org/
- Share your thoughts on the issue. We have some 📂 downloadable call scripts to use as a guide, although we encourage you to make the call as personal and authentic as possible.
- Host a gathering of your family, friends and or others and ask them to join you in supporting firearm safety. Click here to sign up to host a Safer TN gathering.
- Show your support the need for firearm safety legislation by posting flyers in your community or purchasing a yard sign.
- Send an Opinion or Editorial letter to your local paper as a private citizen. If you would like to speak to our media relations team about how you can help in this way, please email info@safertn.org. 📂 Downloadable sample OpEd
Now it’s time to act. Take a look at what to say and how you can get started sharing your voice with your immediate circles as well as legislators. Remember, these are guides! The best voice comes from YOU. Your stories mixed with our shared key points will make our collective voice louder.
When more of us join together, legislators can see that their constituents will support them when they vote for these firearm safety policies.