We stand in solidarity with Antioch High School. Two lives were lost, and the ripple effect of this tragedy is felt by thousands of students, their families, staff members, and the community. At Safer TN, we firmly believe firearm tragedies like this are preventable.
Let’s shower the Antioch High School community with love by making 2,500 valentines for students and faculty/staff. Register for our Valentine-making event on Feb. 11.
The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee has a fund set up for those directly impacted by school violence in Nashville, and is currently raising money to help those affected by the Antioch High School shooting.
The Mayor’s office has also provided a list of mental health resources for Nashvillians in need.
The Metro Public Health Department is offering counseling for those impacted. To make an appointment with the Behavioral Health and Wellness team, call 615-340-2712.
MNPS Superintendent Dr. Adrienne Battle sent out this message to the school district on Jan. 27, which is the latest update available.
You can also Safer TN’s efforts to prevent firearm tragedies by hosting a gathering or using our legislative guide to reach out to your representatives. We’ll provide talking points to make your message impactful.