By Rev. Clay Stauffer and Rabbi Shana Mackler | December 19, 2023
“Those of us who are involved in the leadership of faith communities understand all too well how tender this time of year will be for our friends and neighbors.
For most of us, December is a flurry of preparations for a gathering of loved ones during the Christmas and Chanukah seasons as we surround tables to celebrate our faith and the connections with our family.
But for many, those moments will be bittersweet as we remember those close to us who are no longer present to celebrate. The memories are especially painful when those loved ones have been lost because of a preventable firearm tragedy.”
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Rev. Dr. Clay Stauffer is senior minister of Woodmont Christian Church and an adjunct professor at Vanderbilt University. He is an advisory board member of Voices for a Safer Tennessee.

Rabbi Shana Mackler is the rabbi and senior scholar at The Temple, Congregation Ohabai Sholom in Nashville.